Posted by Tracey at 1:27 PM
Read our previous post
And Turkey for All
Growing up we didn't do a lot for Thanksgiving past eat turkey. Honestly I don't know if that was because I grew up Canadian or because I am Jewish and usually by that time we had just done four major family parties between both sides of my family for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. I suspect the latter since marriage taught me other Canadians did far more family celebrating of this holiday. For about the last 12 years we have gone back and forth hosting with my brother-in-law and everyone looks forward to spending time with eachother for the holiday.
We've had funny holiday mistakes over the years too... there was the year my girlfriend never removed the package of guts from inside the turkey, and there was the year my sister-in-law forgot to add sugar to her pies... well, let's just say I took over the baking after that year regardless of who hosted. Ha ha.
I love making Thanksgiving kits because creating the characters is so much fun for me. It is where I shine as a designer. This year they have all been created in felt and after creating my first three layouts with the kit, I know I'll be creating felt characters in lots more kits. I hope you will enjoy it too!

From both myself and creative team members

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